How to Make Daily-Use Short Sentences into Chinese?
Series 1: Two-Character Chinese Sentences


What about starting your Chinese skills by exploiting the power of two-character Chinese sentences? Most short words and sentences in Chinese below are used frequently and common to hear and speak in daily communications. For each of the following everyday short sentences in Chinese, check both their writings in Simplified Chinese and Chinese Pinyin carefully for practice. They are not much harder than you thought. Just make a quick start now.

Target Story Words

English Words:

Chinese Pinyin:

Standard Chinese:

Similar Chinese Words:
短句 Duǎn jù Short sentences in Chinese.
日常用语 Rì cháng yòng yǔ Sentences for daily use.

Related Chinese Words:
日常聊天语 Rì cháng liáo tiān yǔ Sentences used for daily communication.
流行语 Liú xíng yǔ Buzzwords.

Chinese Words Pronunciation

Chinese Pronunciation on GoogleSay “Common Chinese Short Sentences”

Refuse With "No Way" In Chinese


Two-Character Chinese Sentence, No Way in Chinese

不行 - (Bù xíng) - "No way" in Chinese

You are able to speak 不行! to refuse others in Chinese, equivalent to "No way!" in English.

拒绝别人时,可以用中文说“不行!”,等同于英语里“No way!”的含义。

Answer With "Not yet" In Chinese


Two-Character Chinese Sentence, Not yet in Chinese

还没 - (Hái méi) - "Not yet" in Chinese

You are able to speak 还没! as an answer in Chinese, equivalent to "Not yet!" in English.

回答别人时,可以用中文说 “还没!”,等同于英语里 “Not yet!” 的含义。

Rude "Shut up" In Spoken Chinese


Two-Character Chinese Sentence, Shut up in Chinese

闭嘴 - (Bì zuǐ) - "Shut up!" in Chinese

Sometimes, the short Chinese sentences 闭嘴! is spoken in a rude attitude towards some annoying person, equivalent to "Shut up" in English. And the Chinese character (zuǐ) means the "mouth" in Chinese.

有时,会对某些讨厌的人粗鲁地说 “闭嘴!”,等同于英语里的 “Shut up!”。其中,汉字 “嘴” 指的是 “Mouth”。

"See you" And "So long" In Chinese


Two-Character Chinese Sentence, So long in Chinese, See you in Chinese

再见! - (Zài jiàn) 拜拜! - (Bāi bāi) - "See you" in Chinese

再见! - (Zài jiàn) - "So long" in Chinese

Both "See you" and "So long" can be translated into two-character Chinese 再见. As the casual word to speak daily, "See you" in Chinese is also equivalent to the casual expression 拜拜 in Chinese.

“See you” 和 “So long” 翻译成中文都是“再见”。另外, “See you” 就等于人们口头常说的 “拜拜”,是生活中常见的口头语。

Two-Character Chinese Of "Why not?"


Two-Character Chinese Sentence, Why not in Chinese

好呀! - (Hǎo ya) - "Why not?" in Chinese

Generally, the shot sentence "Why not" can be literally turned into Chinese like 为什么不?", which is consequently understood as (hǎo), 好啊 (hǎo a), or 好呀 (hǎo ya) to show one's acceptance or agreement.

通常,若直译,"Why not"的中文含义是“为什么不”,进而可理解为 “好”、“好啊”、“好呀” 来表示同意。

Thanks for reading! More Chinese sentences on the way...


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